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anything goes 中英 歌词 许慧欣的

提问网友 发布时间:2024-03-11 06:51
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-29 21:59
And we've often rewound the clock
Since the Puritans got a shock
When they landed on Plymouth Rock
If today
Any snock they should try to stem
Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock
Plymouth Rock would land on them
In olden days a glimpse of stocking
Was looked on as something shocking
But now God knows
Anything goes
Good authors too who once knew better words
Now only use four letter words
Writing prose
Anything goes
The world has gone mad today
And good's bad today
And black's white today
And day's night today
When most guys today
That women prize today
Are just silly gigolos
So though l'm not a great romancer
I know that l'm bound to answer
When you propose
Anything goes
When grandmamas whose age is eighty
In night clubs are getting matey with gigolos
Anything goes
When mothers pack and leave poor father
Because they decide they'd rather be tennis pros
Anything goes
If driving fast cars you like
If low bars you like
If ole hymns you like
If bare limbs you like
Id Mae west you like
Or me undressed you like
Why nobody will oppose
When every night the set that's smart is
Intruding in nudist parties in studios
Anything goes
速配歌词 =>www.99Lrc.com 配词
The world has gone mad today
And good's bad today
And black's white today
And day's night today
When most guys today
That women prize today
Are just silly gigolos
So though l'm not a great romancer
I know that l'm bound to answer
When you propose
Anything goes
If saying your prayers you like
If green pears you like
If old chairs you like
If back stairs you like
If love affairs you like
With young bears you like
Why nobody will oppose
So though l'm not a great romancer
I know that l'm bound to answer
When you propose
Anything goes
Anything goes


求英语帝翻译一句英文,很纠结。。。 ...卖出15个,第二天卖出25个,还剩多少个西瓜?用两种方 ...如果每天卖出西瓜50个,白兰瓜40个,若干天后,白兰瓜买完了,_百度知... ...共72个,卖了桃子的3与西瓜的58后,还剩28个,水果店进了 ...%与西瓜的62.5%后,还剩28个,水果店进了多少个西瓜 水果店有90斤苹果,上午卖出24斤,下午卖出28斤,还剩多少斤,用两种方法... 摘了74个西瓜,上午运走28,下午运走26.一共运走多少,还剩多少 水果店运来73箱苹果,上午卖了24箱,下午卖了26箱,还剩多少箱?用... ...上午卖了23支,下午卖了27支,还剩多少支?用两种方法解答? 水果店运来72个西瓜,上午卖出24个,下午卖出28个,还剩多少个? 宁波盛威卓越安全设备有限公司怎么样? 宁波海曙清和正露贸易有限公司怎么样? 宁波市东方金丰机械有限公司怎么样? 食之契约灵火种怎么获得 灵火种获取途径汇总 生态板的选购技巧是什么 刚买的MCM背包,求鉴定真假 群龙旺财怎样摆放 招财怎么摆放能旺财 变更监护人到哪个部门 三代I3与二代I3的区别是什么,性能提升多少? “古嘴”、 “安子”都什么意思? 为什么我的笔记本电脑现在上不了QQ.昨天晚上电池没电自动关机后。连上... 微信重新注册了,怎么找回以前那个? 原有被重新注册怎么找回原有微信? 怎样找回原来注册的和密码 立秋出生的男孩命运应该如何取名 立秋出生的男宝宝好吗怎么取名比较好 立秋出生的男孩取什么名字好博学多才儒雅风名字合集 本人地质大学构造地质学研究生毕业,能去哪些单位啊 有一个喜欢打游戏的男朋友是什么感受 千岛小说怎么更新成野牛阅读了 和老板一起打游戏是怎样的一种体验? 为什么我每次用迅雷或快车东西的时候,一点下载,电脑就弹出【360se3... 迅雷为什么会出现下载不了的问题 微信手机号在24小时内,已绑定两个,已达到限制,不能在绑定其他微信... 这菜叫什么名字?外皮像土豆,洗干净外皮和茎的颜色一样红,切开后流红... 微信手机号在24小时内,已绑定两个,已达到限制,不能在绑定其他微信... 万物皆可“腌”,是不是所有的食物都可以用来腌以便于保存更长的时间... 我会愿你好,但我不会祝福你什么意思 分手以后希望祝福你,但是我不会祝福你们。 我和另一个男的追同一个女生最后被他追到了很难过的心情说说