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Say Something是谁唱的?

提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-23 02:42
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-24 17:04

Say Something是欧阳靖唱的,歌词如下:

Hiphop was all I knew you were my only
I did it all for you it's nothing you owe me
That's without a doubt
But it seems so strange all I hear is people saying Hiphop done changed
Could it be that it evolved no I ain't mad at all
I might as well since I'm standing here get on the mic and
Say something baby
Say say say something baby
Say say say something baby
Gotta get on the mic and
Say something baby
They say Hiphop is dead might as well seal the casket
I say it all depends on who you're asking
If you're an artist and your record is steadily getting played
Then you probably feel like Hiphop can never be in the grave
But if you're on the sideline trying to climb in charts
You might just feel like the culture's fallen apart
Nowadays artists ain't trying to be legendary
As long as business is good spitting their secondary
We can't expect them more to rap like they hova
Can a boy really act like a soldier
Wait that wasn't a subliminal shot
So when I'm out of town and wifey is back home
I turn my swag on and tell her kiss me through the phone
I can't be mad they're just acting they age
Shoot I was the same back in the days
Hiphop was all I knew you were my only
I did it all for you it's nothing you owe me
That's without a doubt
But it seems so strange all I hear is people saying Hiphop done changed
Could it be that it evolved no I ain't mad at all
I might as well since I'm standing here get on the mic and
Say something baby
Say say say something baby
Say say say something baby
Gotta get on the mic and
Say something baby
This is the topic of conversations the next generation
How we impact their lives can be devastating
Turn on the radio seems every single station
They only hear rhymes about drugs and fornication lies
There's gotta be life beyond the clubs
The fashion lights are bright but who am I to judge
Check the past I was living just as reckless
Plenty trees for dinner and this evil breakfast
Now I found myself climbing out the hole
Guess I'm just a simple man trying to save his soul
This world ain't forever we're just here to visit
But it's your life so I encourage you to live it
And honestly I don't want more than I deserve
Hiphop to me ain't just knocking beats to random words
But you know these cats stay fronting
It's only right that I should say something
Hiphop was all I knew you were my only
I did it all for you it's nothing you owe me
That's without a doubt
But it seems so strange all I hear is people saying Hiphop done changed
Could it be that it evolved no I ain't mad at all
I might as well since I'm standing here get on the mic and
Say something baby
Say say say something baby
Say say say something baby
Gotta get on the mic and
Say something baby


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