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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-17 06:03
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-20 06:55
Abstract: in order to study the five kinds of common fruit protein and antioxidant enzymes content, this experiment selects thegrapes, apples, cherries, peaches, pears as the experimental material, the extraction and determination of the activity ofprotein concentration, SOD and POD. The experimental resultsshow: the average peach protein content is higher than 80.49%apple, that a higher nutritional value. Cherry SOD activity is 21.28% higher than that of apple, 48.92% higher than that ofpear, cherry and so not easy to preserve, poor scavenging capacity. POD results in grape activity of POD was the highest,reached 103.3797mg/ml, followed by the peach and pear, appleand POD activity in the lowest, the activity of POD in the 94.61% lower than grapes.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-20 06:58
To inquire into five kinds of common fruit protein and the comparison of antioxidant enzyme content, the experiment selected grapes, apple, cherry, peach, pear as experiment material, extraction and determination of average concentration of protein, the activity of SOD and POD. Experimental results show that the average protein content of peach than 80.49% higher than that of apple, peach nutrition value higher. SOD activity was 21.28% higher than apple cherry, 48.92% higher than the pear, so cherry is not easy to save, and removing ability is poor. POD determination results in the highest POD activity of grape, 103.3797 mg/ml, followed by the peaches and pears, and POD activity in apple's lowest, 94.61% lower than the POD activity in grapes.


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