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bon jovi 的every day 的歌词

提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-16 12:01
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-19 06:26

breath again

don't break my heart
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-19 06:31
你平时用什么听歌啊,SOGOU 是歌和歌词同步的,
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-19 06:32
歌手:bon jovi 专辑:have a nice day

bon jovi - novocaine
album: have a nice day

editor: flowerspider (qq 1878886 icq 151476238)
you can take back all your secrets
we'll divide up all the lies
keep all the pictures in their frames
cut me out
yeah, i'll be fine
tell the neighbors all my feelings
go on give away my pride
it's hard to laugh and cry
live and die every night
keep your rolodex of friends
and all the remnants can be mind
i guess there'll be no happy endings
when once upon?
is doing time
there's a different kind of meaning now
to livin' on a prayer
oh, some don't seem to notice
and the rest don't seem to care
i tell myself i (feel no pain)
but i'm feeling the pain (walk away)
can't walk away
i'm hanging on the ropes of hope
it's getting hard to cope you know
when you're the needle
running through my veins
i've changed my name to novocaine
you put my favorite belongings
in a box in the garage
(let's get this straight)
you burned my favorite sweats from high school
tried to sell my muscle car
(that's not ok)
you're mother's gonna visit for
a couple months this year
they say you do the crime
you do the time
it's all so clear
i tell my self i (feel no pain)
but i'm feeling the paint (walk away)
that's running through my veins
i've changed my name to novacaine
(feel no pain)
well things ain't what they used to be
it's a sleepless, self-help century
i'm up to here with dr. phil
and the modern man in me?
i feel no pain


谁能告诉我give me Novacaine歌词 GREEN DAY 的《give me novocaine》的歌词大意 谁能教我用下xbox的暗黑3修改器?或者给我个存档也行, 我的暗黑3我也不... 暗黑破坏神ATMA1.10修改器怎么修改存档里的人啊??? 说清楚谢谢_百度知 ... 股票开盘几分钟那一下就拉高8个点一分钟后回落到0.50点到收盘涨2点是... 分期终端机……抄袭青春梦工厂的吧? 非诚勿扰的幕后制作 长春文昌路到南木新城坐几路车 pinarello Marvel和2015款Cervelo s3哪个架子好点 cervelo S3 和 崔克6系 属于一个级别么 山河月明曲令牌在谁手里 “满山花果”是什么意思? 梅西内马尔分别是哪个国家的人? nike shox arraw+ 鞋垫下有一个类似于芯片的东西,那个可以拿出来么... 博德之门3检定界面在哪 博德之门3检定系统机制介绍 室内设计师工作场所的物理条件是怎样的? 妇科b超检查空腹吗,都忘记医生是怎么说的,如果吃了东西会怎么样的... 征兵体检标准体重关于征兵体检标准体重介绍 宝马X3大家觉得咋样?值得买么 ...他们很多歌都是以提琴开始的,其中有一首歌的歌词是everything... 光伏发电组件支架的重量是多少? 青岛建设装饰集团节能保温工程有限公司电话是多少? 我准备将自家山上的树木砍伐掉后种果木树,这个砍伐还得找林业部门办理手... qq音乐怎么看收藏量 得心应手什么意思猜生肖 受伤吃酱油会造成皮肤变黑吗 岳西县大山建筑工程有限公司怎么样? 我在小太阳幼儿园上学英文怎么读 股票为什么现在只有涨才能赚钱?但也有说融资融券出来跌也可以赢利只咋... 杭州创意设计中心的详细地址是什么 土木工程制图这两题有大佬会吗 马上考试了复习急的慌 谢谢回答 梅花洲科创新城是干什么用的 CAD里的m8-6H什么是什么意思?这个要上下偏移多少?这个阴影部分的曲线... 斗罗大陆改编小说有哪些 朝阳区东三环华威桥美景东方小区怎么走 数据结构,设哈夫曼树有199个结点,则该哈夫曼树有多少个叶子结点 ...建设社会主义现代化国家的前进道路上必须牢牢把握以下重大原则是什么... 什么方法能把这管道弄上来,吊车没办法工作,卷扬机拉不起来中1700kg... 逆水寒删了好友私聊对方还能看见吗