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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-07 17:05
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-06 02:18
How to pressure

The pressure of modern life seems to be increasing, facing increasingly fierce competition, we face setbacks and pressure to more and more: in your very seriously a homework or a game, you may be messed up; you Students may be in a warm and you greet him, you Bulibucai; your father or mother may have no reason to scold you a single; you the most harm
Afraid to speak in public, but the teacher just to let you in class next week at a lecture……

People will always be setbacks, felt pressure to experience anger, pain, frustration, grief and other negative emotions. In this case, may wish to try out the recommendations made by psychologists --

(1) Take a deep breath in the face of setbacks, feel pressure, one of the most simple way is to deal with deep breathing. When people in a tense and often subconsciously hold breathing, oxygen in the blood instead of reced, but the brain needs adequate oxygen supply to normal thinking. Therefore, people in a tense may be some false thinking to make the wrong reaction, such as curse or fighting. In a tense, the first few deep absorption tone, this one thought to have the time, two to also add oxygen to the brain.

(2) Text in pain, suffering, their feelings, experiences, ideas统统written, what to think of what to write, do not consider form, and regardless of whether the coherent, as long as it is at that time thought of, can be written.

(3) of graffiti with a pencil or Pencil Exhibition in a large piece of paper applied arbitrarily, perhaps you can solve their emotional problems, to create a high level of abstract art.

(4) select a campaign of movement, so that their feelings of calm in the movement slowly. For example, you can go to the parade ground to run laps or play a ball in the muscles and ease the movement of sweat, let frustration slowly dissipated.

(5) shouting law did not find the place, the Han Jisheng, an even crying, let the emotions get enjoy venting.

(6) progressive relaxation method allows you to the muscles of a body part (such as arms) to tension, and then deliberately let the muscles relax. Let every body part of the muscle tension after the first turn to relax, your body will become relaxed, comfortable, thus largely eliminating tension.

(7) imagination free to imagine some of their own to feel comfortable things, such as: lying on the sea breeze Chuifu the palm trees in this…… imagine, your frustration, pressure will graally rece the flu.

(8) need to encourage corporate self-motivation and self-motivation than external incentives more reliable, because only the most aware of its own when necessary incentive. Will be self-motivation of people, just like their players Dai Lege first-aid kits, can open their hearts heal the wounds. Therefore, maintain a healthy mentality of the need for self-motivation, in other words, mental health, will boast, especially in the face of setbacks, they will carry out their hearts to praise!

(9) positive actions by saying, "less than a broom and st will not run away of their own," the purpose of resolving bad feelings or to solve problems, if problems are not resolved, will be more emotional deterioration. Therefore, the setbacks, we only face problems, and actively solve the problem.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-06 02:18
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-06 02:19


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