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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-13 19:34
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-27 15:25
My attitude towards happiness
With the development of society, a lot of people don't suffer from hunger, and they begin to pay attention happiness. To pursue happiness, people don't mind spending much money and energy. However, what is happiness?How to get happiness? How should we deal with happiness. As for this problem, different people have different opinions. In my opinion, we needn't make efforts to be happy. Happiness is very simple and it is around us.We should cherish it.
What's happiness? When we go home,parents are healthy and prepare delicious food for you, it is happiness. When we have trouble, friends come to you and give you advice, it is happiness. It is easy to be happy. We should be good at finding it and cherish it. When we have happiness, we should enjoy it and share it with intimate friends and relatives.As long as we pay attention to happiness, we will be happy. To be optimistic,to enjoy the life happily.
In short, it is not difficult to be happy. However, we should cherish it and share it with others.


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