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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-05 16:01
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-04 23:34

I can be in this gave a banquet in honor of William vice President and Mrs And other distinguished guests feel very honored and pleased. I wish to take this opportunity to express the warm welcome guests at this time, I can use the mood in the analects of Confucius the word to express: "there is companion come from afar.
Obviously, the vice President William's current visit has demonstrated his willing to push our friendly cooperation between the two countries. I believe that the two countries' top leaders of the frequent exchange of visits between the asia-pacific region, not only to the whole world peace and stability.
Our two countries over the years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, we in the political, economic, trade, ecation, science and technology, culture, public health and other fields have carried out sincere and rewarding cooperation. What is worth mentioning, since our two countries, we have visits in offshore oil exploration and automobile instry has cooperation fast progress. In these fields of our achievements of the deeply satisfied, and would like to with your government and people, and we will continue to work together in partnership to a new height.
Currently, China is a nationwide on an unprecedented economic reform. If we have no social and political stability of domestic environment, an international environment of peace and development, no foreign economic and technical cooperation, we may not be the major reform of the work. China is the world's largest developing country, the level of social proctive forces generally are relatively low, still need after decades of struggle to realize modernization. We require long-term peaceful international environment and a good neighborly environment of long-term especially.
Ladies and gentlemen, seek lasting world peace and global economic prosperity is our common desire. Formally in maintaining world peace and ensuring common development and prosperity, we made the first foreign policy and economic policy, development and national equality and mutual benefit, friendly relationship. We are glad to see that a decade-old policy of seeking peace in the world in the past ten years, we always keeps a good trade relationship. I look forward to working with William vice President is the development of bilateral relations, and the asia-pacific region and we issues of common interest.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-04 23:35
I for can give a banquet in this to entertain Vice President William and madame as well as other distinguished guests deeply felt that is honored happily with. I am willing to the fellow guests to express that here warm welcome, my this time's mood may use Kong Zi's to express in Confucian analects a few words: ” has the friend from the distant place, delight.”
Obviously, Vice President William's this visit had indicated your excellency is willing to continue to advance between both of our countries the friendship and cooperation determination. I deeply believed that between both countries high-level leaders' frequent exchange visits, is not only helpful to the Asian and Pacific area, and even entire world peace and stability.
In since both of our countries establishing diplomatic relations these years, we in politics, the economy, the trade, the culture, the ecation, the science and technology, domains and so on health have carried on sincerely, fruitful cooperation. What is worth mentioning

呵呵 也是用机器的 当不知是不是
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-04 23:35


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