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every time i look into your eyes

提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-05 17:25
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-09 03:50
Every Time I Look Into Your Eyes-by2文本歌词[下载]I still hear your voice out front,
like a miracle think in a mess
Why this feeling turn so cold,
freezing in the darkness, so alone
Everytime I look into your eyes,
I can tell you our love
is still alive, it’s killing me,
Oh Baby~
Everytime you look into my eyes,
I rather hear the truth than live
in all your lies I’m so lost I’m so hurt for you
how could I survive?
Would it be the very last kiss
All these memories,
all the sorrows stay or gone.
Everytime I look into your eyes,
I can tell you our love
is still alive, it’s killing me,
Oh Baby~
Everytime you look into my eyes,
I rather hear the truth than live
in all your lies I’m so lost I’m so hurt for you
how could I surviveEvery Time I Look Into Your Eyes-BY2文本歌词[下载]I still hear your voice around
Like an echo
Everything’s in a mess
Why this feeling turns so cold
Freezing in the darkness
So alone
Every time I look into your eyes
I can tell that our love is still alive
It’s killing me oh baby
Every time you look into my eyes
I rather hear the truth than live in all your lies
I’m so lost I’m so hurt for you
How could I survive
Would it be the very last kiss
All those memories
All those sorrows Fade away
Every time I look into your eyes
I can tell that our love is still alive
It’s killing me oh baby
Every time you look into my eyes
I rather hear the truth than live in all your lies
I’m so lost I’m so hurt for you
How could I survive
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-09 03:51
有可能你记错了,有的歌词是every time i open my eyes
试着用qq音乐里面的搜索,可以选择歌词,输入every time i,会出来很多歌,找找看哪个是你需要的。


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