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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-18 19:59
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-03 06:45
Vocalist and chief songwriter John Cooper told StereoTruth.net: "Typically I don't write in a way where a song can have an open ended interpretation, but this is a song about loss and can be applied to a whole range of situations. It has a gist of regret where you wish you had done things differently and it could be about mourning the loss of someone who died or a relationship. It seems sad, but it's strangely hopeful because it gives off the idea that you can change your life right here and now - you have been given a second chance so you can remember to live and love with no regrets."
This is one of a number of songs that deal with loss on Awake. Cooper explained to Christianity Today magazine: "I have dealt with a lot of loss in my life. My mom died when I was 14 and that same year, my best friend died. There have been times in my life things seemed difficult, but it has caused me to be retrospective and to learn how to deal with loss or emptiness-that feeling that you don't have anything to live for."


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