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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-19 09:04
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-02 09:07
I prefer a busy life over a leisure life, because a busy life is a life that is fruitful. When you plant you want to harvest, by living a busy life, you continuously put effort into the things that are important to you, and you wait for your success in the end. On the other hand, by living a leisure life, you cannot expect any success or outcome because you never put any effort into it in the first place.

As human beings, we should constantly challenge ourselves, and prepare ourselves for more obstacles coming out way. We should be on our guard every moment. Consequently, living a busy life provides one the ability to cope with upcoming troubles and challenges, while living a leisure life, one lets one's guard down, and never prepares for the future.

It is better to live life enthusiastically and become engaged in all events in your life, because that is what "life" means. Otherwise, you are hardly living a life! What's the point in relaxing while you know that you can do better and improve, and become more successful in the future? Hence it is very important to live a busy life, finding more things and challenges for yourself all the time; that is the way to success and achievements in the future.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-02 09:07
My busy-life
I'm a primary school student,am very busy in my study lifs.
I should do my homework every day,and in the class I should
harmony with(配合)my teacher,I should answer the teacher's questions(问题)...When I got home,I shoule cook(做饭)by myself,and I also sweep and clean up (打扫)my home by myself......Sometimes I should go to buy something for use......
I think I have a very busy life!


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