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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-19 06:47
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-22 02:30
English is the root of life
I still remenbered the first day I read English letter.It was sunny when we also learned a English alphebet song ABC.And I turned out to be fast to master it.Since then,my English learning career began.
I got much pleasure throughout the years.I once volunteered to guide the foreign tourists,which left me a deep impression.English made me different,from which I gained my confidence.English songs turned my life wonderfull, full of joys.
And you guys just come over and join me,you'll see that English is the root of life
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-22 02:29
We want individuals in the world and break a piece of heaven and earth, limited to the domestic is not enough, the history of closed-door policy has been a thing of the past, but it always cautioned us to learn from foreign advanced science and technology to enhance the development of their own Own! However, if the language did not pass even the most basic communication can not, how can we talk about learning and development? so english is the root of life
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-22 02:31
In the English study, the misconduct has two implications, one refers to the low efficiency of learning, to pay more and return less, for example, when the goal is to remember words, it is back again not remember; II is the target of bias, such as , Learning to cope with a variety of exams in reading, entitled the end, even if achieved this goal, or can not correctly understand the degree of difficulty similar to the English literature. 两个层次的失当,有区别、差异,也有交叉和相互的影响,他们共同作用通过英语的全民学习表达出来,结果是消耗了大量的社会资源。 Two levels of misconduct, there are differences, differences as well as cross each other and, through their joint role of the whole people to learn English expression, resulting in the consumption of a large number of social resources.

尽管英语学习中普遍存在着失当性,然而,这并不妨碍英语全民学习必要性的成立。 Although the English language are prevalent in the sexual misconduct, however, this does not preclude the need for learning English all the people of the establishment. 相反,英语学习失当中折射出的种种不足,如社会功能的不完善,文化思想的落后,经济水平的低下,思维方式的局限,都使英语的普及成为力图改善此类问题的一种选择。 On the other hand, to learn English in the misconduct reflects the various inadequacies, such as the social function of the imperfect, cultural thinking behind the low level of the economy, way of thinking of limitations, so that the English are trying to become the universal improvement of such problems as an option.
根据英语普及的需要,英语培训在国内日渐火热。 According to the universal need for English, English training in China increasingly hot. 其中新动态英语培训,外教小班授课,让你轻松畅快的听英语,讲英语。 One of the new dynamic English language training, foreign teachers teaching in small classes that allow you to easily listen to the invigorating English, English-speaking. 无论你是上学还是工作,新动态为你量身制定你所需要的课程,让你全无后顾之忧。 Whether you go to school or work, a new dynamic for you, you need to develop tailored courses, you have no worries.
学英语,有必要! To learn English, it is necessary!
学英语,找新动态,更有必要! To learn English, find a new dynamic, is all the more necessary!

热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-22 02:31
English is the root of life.


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