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Joe McElderry的《Ambitions》 歌词

提问网友 发布时间:2024-03-07 11:09
热心网友 回答时间:2024-03-29 13:30
歌手:Joe McElderry
专辑:Wide Awake

Joe McElderry - Ambitions
Now, I can't behave
I feel it in my feet on the streets
But don't you know?
There's something I can feel when I breathe
I told you once
You're breaking into separate parts
But don't you know?
It's something that I can't live without
And if somebody's going to make it
Then this somebody ought to be you
And I keep telling my reflection
Ambitions are already starting to fade
I can't tolerate
The feelings that I feel when I feel
But don't you know?
Some feelings never seem to let go
Like a silverblade
I cut my way out of control
But don't you know?
Some blades will cut you right to the bone
And if somebody's going to make it
Then this somebody ought to be you
And if somebody's going to fake it
Then this somebody, somebody is you
If it's me that was going to take it
Then I know that it wouldn't be straight
And I keep telling my reflection
Ambitions are already starting to fade
I Can't tolerate
And if somebody's going to make it
Then this somebody ought to be you
And if somebody's going to fake it
Then this somebody, somebody is you
If it's me that was going to take it
Then I know that it wouldn't be straight
And I keep telling my reflection
Ambitions are already starting to fade



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