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提问网友 发布时间:2024-03-28 13:58
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-30 00:05
Abstract: This design topic is the belt wheel foundry technology design, requirements of foundry molding drawing and casting drawing each one. Pulley is a very commonly used machine parts, first of all we should be familiar with, understand the pulley, then according to parts of nature and parts of the map of each end face roughness determines the dimensions of the blank and the machining allowance. In determining the casting process, through the analysis of technology, can design a variety of process scheme, we pass on the every kind of process schemes are compared to select the best solution, and then for the selected scheme for process design include: structural design, parameter selection, tooling design.

Key words: pulley casting pouring system design
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-30 00:05
Abstract: The subject of this design is the pulley casting process design required to draw the casting process map and castings Figure a. The pulley is a very commonly used in mechanical parts, the first thing we should be familiar with the parts, understand the role of the pulley, and then the end of roughness on the nature of the parts and parts diagrams to determine the rough size and machining allowances. In determining the casting process, through the analysis of the process, you can design a variety of technology programs, for each process plan to choose the best option, then select the program process design include: structural design, parameter selection, tooling design.
Keywords: pulley casting gating system process design
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-30 00:06
Abstract: The subject of this design is the pulley casting process design required to draw the casting process map and castings Figure a. The pulley is a very commonly used in mechanical parts, the first thing we should be familiar with the parts, understand the role of the pulley, and then the end of roughness on the nature of the parts and parts diagrams to determine the rough size and machining allowances. In determining the casting process, through the analysis of the process, you can design a variety of technology programs, for each process plan to choose the best option, then select the program process design include: structural design, parameter selection, tooling design.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-30 00:06
Abstract: the design topic is pulley casting process design, drawing casting process chart and request the casting figure each one. Pulley is a very common mechanical parts, first we must be familiar with the parts, and understand the role of pulley, and then, according to the nature of the parts and parts drawing the roughness of the end face on to determine the size of the blank and mechanical machining allowance. In determining the casting process program, through the analysis of the technology, and can design various process scheme by us, to each kind of technology is choose the best solution, and then the choice of process design scheme including structural design, parameter selection, tooling design, etc.
Keywords: pulley casting gating system process design


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