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求英语高手翻译这段话(不要软件的 谢谢)

提问网友 发布时间:2024-03-28 12:34
热心网友 回答时间:1天前
The journey is from his body to the traveler's heart,is from one person’s heart to other person's heart.We always dream about the scenic area,watch the film that it can win the prize,learn popular musics,put on the same clothes as others.We have to look far for your finger tips,that he was really eager to choose to avoid.At a time there was no end of their road,from now set, go in for a period of endless that know about myself,Bravely committed myself to the unknown future,This is the meaning of the trip.



热心网友 回答时间:1天前
the longest travel,is from your body to your mind,from one body's heart to another.
we always dream to chase the betauful seesight of the legend,to see the films awarded,to learn the songs popular,to imitate others' wearing.
we know too much about the things far far away,but choose to flee when facing our true desire.
wandering on the endless lane knowing nothing about yourself,from now,put youself into the unknown future,it is the sence of the travel.
热心网友 回答时间:1天前
Travel the farthest, from his body to his heart, from one heart to another person's heart. We often dream of pursuing the legendary beauty and see the winning films, learning the most popular songs, imitation of other people's clothes, we seem a long way off the back of its hand, but then their are really eager to run away. Walking in a never-ending knowledge of the self, starting from now, walking in a never-ending knowledge of the self, the courage to put myself to the unknown future, and this is the meaning of travel
热心网友 回答时间:1天前
The longest journey, is from the body to our heart, is from heart to heart. We are always in search of the legendary beauty, by watching movie, learning the latest pop songs or to mimic the way other people dresses. We grasp the future in our hands, but always chose to ignore our real desire. We must embark on an endless journey of seeking self understanding beginning now,and face the unknown future boldly, because, that is the true meaning of the journey..


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