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提问网友 发布时间:2022-11-29 02:08
热心网友 回答时间:2023-05-08 02:51

What are the priorities for Chinese learners?
What are the priorities for Chinese learners? I’m going to spend most of the time on the last two topics. For the Chinese learners, remember, the tips, the tips are coming. What are the priorities for Chinese learners?再把这句话说一遍中文是什么?对中国学英语的人来说,最首要要解决的问题是什么?All right? This is very important, because in English pronunciation, you have a lot of aspects. 英文里头语音当中项目也挺多的,for instance, sounds, consonants, vowels, 就是语音有单音,有元音,有辅音,and stresses, intonation, linkage连读, loss of plosion, incomplete plosion, 失去爆破,等等,intonation, and rhythm, a lot of things. But what are the most important things for us Chinese students to solve? All right? Number 1. Weak forms.可能大家没想到吧,怎么把弱读放在第一个?Yes. Yes. I want to stress this. I want to emphasize. 我今天就要强调这个,weak forms. Because this is very important. Ok, let’s go on. Word stress. Stress,重音, Word stress,单词重音. Next one must be sentence stress (语句重音). And the next one, rhythm. This is a new word. Actually you are very good at rhythm. Young people, nowadays, are very good at rhythm. 现在的年轻人,这个rhythm 特别好。节奏特别好。Because of disco, disco, dancing. Rhythm就是节奏。Learn this word after me. 学这个字。 Read after me: Rhythm…rhythm…rhythm. Very good. Ok? Next one. Intonation. Ok? Intonation. I think these are priorities for Chinese students. If you want to learn English pronunciation well, you must put these things first on the top of your list. Is that ok? All right.
Now you probably will ask me a question. What about the sounds, vowels and consonants? 你的意思就是说元音和辅音就不重要了?No. I didn’t mean that. 我没有说它们不重要。我是说它们的重要程度对中国学生来说没有这几个更重要。Single sounds are important. 这个……单音也重要。单音重要是在什么情况下?在它不影响你理解意思的情况下,单音可以稍稍马虎一点。For instance, pleasure. This sound appears in just a few words in English. 英文里头有这个音的词不是特别多。所以它不太容易引起误解。如果你发得不是特别好,你说It’s a pleasure to me. People understand you. All right? People understand you. It does not affect understandability.它不影响人的理解,就不太要紧。But listen, I give you some examples. He is sick.他生病了。Right? If you say [θik], [θ], what does [θik] mean? Meaning he is stupid脑子笨. [θ] and [ s ]在这种情况下单音就一定要发准,because they affect understandability, 影响理解了。Is that right? He is sick and he is thick. Now give you another example. Listen. Somebody said to me, “I have a lot of keys.”你有好多钥匙啊?No, no, I have a lot of keys. 哦,你有好多大大小小的钥匙啊?Oh, no, no, I have a lot of keys. They call me Mommy. 哦,你有好多钥匙,他们叫你…Oh, no…no, not keys, oh, you mean kids. 哦,你有好多小孩,他们都叫你妈妈。I have a lot of keys. You should have said…How to say it? Kids. Kids. Kids. Well, this is important. 单音到这个地方就重要了,它影响你的理解了就重要了。Don’t say I have a lot of keys. 在中国也没有这种情况,I have a lot of kids. So these things are important. Why…why are they so important? I finished this. Ok. Please move on. Number 5.
weak forms是我们中国学生比较,最弱的一条。
Because we know how to read the strong forms, for instance, from, I’m from Beijing. No, no. I am from Beijing. 要弱读。弱读的里头,please look at me. 主要是〔Y〕这个音。Please remember this 〔Y〕. If you remember this lecture, you remember this 〔Y〕. All right? Because this is very very important. You know, all the weak forms, almost all the weak forms, you can use this 〔Y〕instead of the other forms or tools. All right? Yes. Where do you study? Ok. Let’s read them, use 〔Y〕. 这个of, 读作〔Yv〕, 读作a cup of tea. A glass of water. A block of flats. The book that I want. I want to emphasize this. I hear a lot of people say the book that I want. That’s wrong. But you can say I want that book. 这个that 是指示代词。But, 连词的时候只能读[],Ok? Bread and butter. All right. I want to talk about this bread and butter. All right. And, this word can be read in several ways. 一个是〔?d〕,一个是读作〔Ynd〕.All right? 今天我们练的就是〔Yn〕。Now please listen to me. Bread and butter. 现在我们这样读,bread, butter,当众加一个〔Yn〕。Ok? One. Two. Very good. Beautiful English. Say it again. Bread and butter. Bread and bread. 省得你又说bread 〔?nd〕butter. 听了又费劲,又不好听。Let’s do it again. Ladies 〔Yn〕 gentlemen. Ladies 〔Yn〕 gentlemen. Don’t say Ladies 〔?nd〕gentlemen. Let’s say it again. Ladies 〔Yn〕 gentlemen. Very good. Next time, if you give a lecture, you say Ladies 〔Yn〕 gentlemen. 一下子就把人镇住了。Oh. Yes. 英文太地道了。Let’s do it again. Bread 〔Yn〕 butter. Ladies 〔Yn〕 gentlemen. It’s very good. Do you agree with me. This, this weak forms are very important. Yes. Yes. Very important. Please practice.
讲座最后,屠蓓教授指出:The earlier, the better, but it’s never too late to learn.越早学英语, 你的发音会越好,但是任何时候开始学英语都不晚。
Practice makes perfect. Pronunciation is a skill, an ability. 发音, 练发音是什么? 它是一种技巧,是一种能力.It’s just like practice piano, practice ballet dance. The more effort, the more time you put in, the better. I think if you work hard, you will make it.


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