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提问网友 发布时间:2022-11-29 02:08
热心网友 回答时间:2023-10-25 17:04
I have been admitted as a graate by xx university. My major is xx. I am going to study in the United States for 2 years with 4 semesters and after my graation, I will come back to China.

Firstly, on one hand, about my study, as my major is xx, I will select courses like说你要上的4门课) that provided by university. During my four years` study, trying to be a straight A student is one of my most important aims. Secondly, just taking courses can`t satisfy my thirst for knowledge, so I plan to talk to my advisor xx(你的一个advisor) to see whether I can join one of his researches. I think this can really help to know more about this filed and improve my ability in experiment additionally.
On the other hand, I decide to join some legal and no pay students` organizations to work as a volunteer. I think this can of course improve my ability in using English and what`s more, this will help to have a better communication skill to communicate with people from different cultures.
At last, if possible, I want to be a teaching assistant for my advisor. As a TA, I can grade the assignments of undergraate students and write papers for my advisor. Nothing is better than that.
After my graation, I will come back to China to find job in Beijing or Shanghai(你也可以说你家). We all know that China is now developing very fast and in my field, things are even better than in others. So I think with my study experience in the United States, I can easily find a good job in China. And after worked for 5 years, I think I will plan to open my own company with my friends, and this is really a very important part of my working plan.



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