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提问网友 发布时间:2023-03-06 09:05
热心网友 回答时间:2023-05-27 01:23
Close to the frontier people,have a good good and bad fortune of people speculated that the personnel.(His family) went to the barbarian horse that went for no reason,we have to fort him.The house of his father,said:"This is not a blessing to know how soon it?" A few months,his family's horse with a barbarian horse back,we all came to congratulate him.The old house,said:"Is this how the scourge can not be immediately aware of it?" More than a good horse at home,like riding the son of the house,(one from immediately) fall broken thigh bone,we have e to fort him ,the father of the house,said:"This is not a blessing to know how soon it?" After a year,barbarian invasion frontier,middle-aged men are picked up bow and arrow war,(living in) the vicinity of the frontier people (middle-aged men) ,90% of dead people,this is the reason because he was crippled,his son's life could have been preserved.,8,at a long long ago.a people he name is saiwen one days he lost he is house ,now his neighbor say oh saiwen that is so bed.but he say i do not think i an unlunck,maybe that good


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