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西原健一郎的《Heartbeat》 歌词

提问网友 发布时间:2023-03-27 23:22
热心网友 回答时间:2023-10-24 23:52
专辑:Natural Relax

Miael Jackson
Deceitful eyes, she's got those come get me thighs
She only knows how low that she can go
She speaks the lines that can control my mind
Wherever she goes I know my eyes follow
She blew a kiss, I swear that it was meant
Only for me, then spoke with her body
Her only goal is just to take control
And I can't believe that I can't tell her no
That girl I can't take her
Should have known she was a heartbreaker
That girl I can't take her
Should have seen right through her she's a heartbreaker
That girl I can't take her
Should have seen it coming heartbreaker
That girl I can't take her
Should have seen right through her
She's a heartbreaker
She plays a game with such an innocent face
I didn't know heartbreaking was her case
Her actions confess and put me through the test
I was surprised that I was caught inside
Now she's thinking that I will never know
And she'll keep playing until I let her go
But I hope in time that she will finally realize
I'm onto her game and she'll get played the same
Chorus x 2:
I never thought that I would stop dreamin' about you
Stop being without you
But everyone told me so, to stop caring about you
And start being without you
But I'll find a way to go and start doin' without you
And stop talkin' about you
And what will she say?
She will say I was the man that got away



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