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Sing You To Sleep - Matt Cab

Baby take off your coat

Tell me all about your day

And if you feel a little stressed

I can take the pain away

If there's something that you're down about

Let me be your confident

I'll be the perfect medicine

So come on drink me up

And I know sometimes

I'm gonna be a little rough

But I promise

I'll be there when you get home

Let me sing you to sleep
Imma sing you to sleep

Lay your head on my pillow
Let me sing you to sleep
Imma sing you to sleep

Baby let me ease your mind
Sing it like
Na na na na na

Na na na na
Let me sing it like
Na la la la la la
Na na na na

Forget about the 9 to 5

Pop a bottle of Chardonnay

We can watch a little TV

And laugh the whole night away

If there's something that is on your mind

We can leave it all behind
Tonight will be a getaway

Just the two of us

And I know sometimes

You're gonna feel like giving up
But together

We'll make it through the day
And I'll sing you to sleep
Imma sing you to sleep

Lay your head on my pillow

Let me sing you to sleep
Imma sing you to sleep

Baby let me ease your mind


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