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see you agai英文版歌词

提问网友 发布时间:2024-05-06 23:24
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-14 12:59
你要找的是不是see you again?
It's been a long day without you my friend
没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有

We've come a long way from where we began

回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程

Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有

When I see you again


Damn who knew all the planes we flew


Good things we've been through


That I'll be standing right here


Talking to you about another path


I know we loved to hit the road and laugh


But something told me that it wouldn't last


Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture


Those were the days hard work forever pays


Now I see you in a better place

此刻 我看到你走进更加美好的未来

Now I see you in a better place

此刻 我看到你走进更加美好的未来

How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?

当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊时 我们怎么能忘却最可贵的亲情

Everything I went through you were standing there by my side

无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷 总有你相伴陪我度过

And now you gonna be with me for the last ride


It's been a long day without you my friend

没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有

We've come a long way from where we began

回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程

Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有

When I see you again


First you both go out your way


And the vibe is feeling strong and what's small turn to a friendship a friendship

然后你我的感情愈加真实强烈 再渺小的东西也能让我们的友谊更高价深厚

Turn into a bond and that bond will never Be broke and the love will never get lost

深厚的友情蜕成血浓于水的感情 此情不变 此爱难逝

And when brotherhood come first then the line

莫逆之交的我们 绝不会背叛彼此

Will never be crossed established it on our own


When that line had to be drawn and that line is what

这友谊让我们肝胆相照 荣辱与共

We reach so remember me when I'm gone

即便我离去 也请将我铭记

How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?

当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊时 我们怎么能忘却最可贵的亲情

Everything I went through you were standing there by my side

无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷 总有你相伴陪我度过

And now you gonna be with me for the last ride


Let the light guide your way


Hold every memory as you go


And every road you take will always lead you home



It's been a long day without you my friend

没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有

We've come a long way from where we began

回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程

Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有

When I see you again




When I see you again see you again


When I see you again


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