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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-02 09:07
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-04 04:28
Marine inertial navigation system using detection instrument is accelerating the acceleration of a ship, and the generation of acceleration is subject to Newton's laws of motion-objects of external force produced by after the results of acceleration. And the detection of the acceleration time to get points, can be further speed and displacement, if the starting point of the relevant position known, it can get the setup of the ship instant position. Inertial navigation system is a completely independent of the operation itself can bring your own type navigation device, its characteristic is not affected by weather influence and geographical environment restriction, and can provide all the navigation material: including ship position, speed, ship stance (longitudinal wave, swing and by places Angle) and so on, its function far better than other navigation system, for a great accuracy and reliability are the compass orientation, is the only true compass existing world navigation device. This paper discusses the inertial navigation system mechanical components part, and state their operating procedures, operating mode and the system dynamic model. Speed up with other system is the performance of the machine elements of which will depend on the adjustable gain and change, this paper discusses the design of the response of the system performance. With the computer simulations to verify that the proposed model of the system and related control device reliability.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-04 04:26
Marine inertial navigation system using detection instrument is accelerating the acceleration of a ship, and the generation of acceleration is subject to Newton's laws of motion-objects of external force produced by after the results of acceleration. And the detection of the acceleration time to get points, can be further speed and displacement, if the starting point of the relevant position known, it can get the setup of the ship instant position. Inertial navigation system is a completely independent of the operation itself can bring your own type navigation device, its characteristic is not affected by weather influence and geographical environment restriction, and can provide all the navigation material: including ship position, speed, ship stance (longitudinal wave, swing and by places Angle) and so on, its function far better than other navigation system, for a great accuracy and reliability are the compass orientation, is the only true compass existing world navigation device. This paper discusses the inertial navigation system mechanical components part, and state their operating procedures, operating mode and the system dynamic model. Speed up with other system is the performance of the machine elements of which will depend on the adjustable gain and change, this paper discusses the design of the response of the system performance. With the computer simulations to verify that the proposed model of the system and related control device reliability.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-04 04:28
呵呵这不是中英文的吗。 我就是做惯性导航的,但是英语我是真不行。


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