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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-04 20:09
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-04 22:42
Sima Yi (179 - 251) was a strategist, general, and politician of Cao Wei ring the Three Kingdoms era of China. He is perhaps best known for defending Cao Wei from Zhuge Liang's Northern Expeditions. His success and subsequent rise in prominence paved the way for his grandson Sima Yan's foundation of the Jin Dynasty, which would eventually bring an end to the Three Kingdoms era. After the founding of the Jin Dynasty, Sima Yi was posthumously honored as Emperor Xuan of Jin with the temple name of Gaozu.
Service under Cao Cao
Accounts on how Sima Yi joined the service of Cao Cao differ, but he accepted his first position in Cao Cao's camp at the age of 30. According to the Book of Jin, Sima Yi believed that the Han Dynasty would soon come to an end, and felt no motivation to join Cao Cao's camp, which had already taken control of the Han seat of government. He refused Cao Cao's requests to serve, saying that he was suffering from a disease. Cao Cao did not believe Sima Yi's excuse, and sent agents to check on Sima Yi at night. Sima Yi, knowing this in advance, stayed in bed all night and did not move. In 208, Cao Cao became Imperial Chancellor and ordered Sima Yi to serve him, saying "If he dallies, arrest him." Afraid of what would happen if he refused, Sima Yi finally accepted the position of Wenxueyuan (文学掾). However, according to Weilüe, Cao Hong, Cao Cao's younger cousin, requested the presence of Sima Yi in order to start a friendship with him, but the latter, not having a very high opinion of Cao Hong, feigned illness by carrying a cane in order to avoid meeting him. Cao Hong went to Cao Cao in anger and told him what had happened, after which Cao Cao directly requested the presence of Sima Yi. Only then did Sima Yi officially enter Cao Cao's service.

In the Chancellor's service, he rose through the ranks of Dongcaoyuan (东曹掾; in charge of bringing officials into service), Zhubo (主簿; an administrative position), and Sima (司马; position in charge of aids and advisors). In 215, when Cao Cao defeated Zhang Lu and forced him to surrender, Sima Yi advised that Cao Cao continue to advance south into Yizhou, since Liu Bei had still not stabilized his control of that area. However, Cao Cao did not listen to his advice. Sima Yi was among other advisors who urged for the implementation of the tuntian system and for Cao Cao to take the position of Prince of Wei.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-04 22:42
Sima Yi (179 - 251) was a strategist, general, and politician of Cao Wei ring the Three Kingdoms era of China. He is perhaps best known for defending Cao Wei from Zhuge Liang's Northern Expeditions. His success and subsequent rise in prominence paved the way for his grandson Sima Yan's foundation of the Jin Dynasty, which would eventually bring an end to the Three Kingdoms era. After the founding of the Jin Dynasty, Sima Yi was posthumously honored as Emperor Xuan of Jin with the temple name of Gaozu.
Service under Cao Cao
Accounts on how Sima Yi joined the service of Cao Cao differ, but he accepted his first position in Cao Cao's camp at the age of 30. According to the Book of Jin, Sima Yi believed that the Han Dynasty would soon come to an end, and felt no motivation to join Cao Cao's camp, which had already taken control of the Han seat of government. He refused Cao Cao's requests to serve, saying that he was suffering from a disease. Cao Cao did not believe Sima Yi's excuse, and sent agents to check on Sima Yi at night. Sima Yi, knowing this in advance, stayed in bed all night and did not move. In 208, Cao Cao became Imperial Chancellor and ordered Sima Yi to serve him, saying "If he dallies, arrest him." Afraid of what would happen if he refused, Sima Yi finally accepted the position of Wenxueyuan (文学掾). However, according to Weilüe, Cao Hong, Cao Cao's younger cousin, requested the presence of Sima Yi in order to start a friendship with him, but the latter, not having a very high opinion of Cao Hong, feigned illness by carrying a cane in order to avoid meeting him. Cao Hong went to Cao Cao in anger and told him what had happened, after which Cao Cao directly requested the presence of Sima Yi. Only then did Sima Yi officially enter Cao Cao's service.

In the Chancellor's service, he rose through the ranks of Dongcaoyuan (东曹掾; in charge of bringing officials into service), Zhubo (主簿; an administrative position), and Sima (司马; position in charge of aids and advisors). In 215, when Cao Cao defeated Zhang Lu and forced him to surrender, Sima Yi advised that Cao Cao continue to advance south into Yizhou, since Liu Bei had still not stabilized his control of that area. However, Cao Cao did not listen to his advice. Sima Yi was among other advisors who urged for the implementation of the tuntian system and for Cao Cao to take the position of Prince of Wei.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-04 22:42
Sima Yi (179 - 251) was a strategist, general, and politician of Cao Wei ring the Three Kingdoms era of China. He is perhaps best known for defending Cao Wei from Zhuge Liang's Northern Expeditions. His success and subsequent rise in prominence paved the way for his grandson Sima Yan's foundation of the Jin Dynasty, which would eventually bring an end to the Three Kingdoms era. After the founding of the Jin Dynasty, Sima Yi was posthumously honored as Emperor Xuan of Jin with the temple name of Gaozu.
Service under Cao Cao


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