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提问网友 发布时间:2022-06-30 21:12
热心网友 回答时间:2023-10-16 21:54
A.Oh, dear, how long this serial you watched? I noticed that you already watching it for more than one weeks.
B. Yeah, it is really long. As you know, Korean serial always like this. However, I need to keep watching until it ends.
A.Of course you will. Love story, your favorite. But, could you please give me a chance to change another channel?
B. Well, for what you want?
A. You see, it's 8o'clock now. The time for commercials in Channel 2.
B. Oh, wait please. Watch! How fun this ads is!
A. What's ads?
B. Nike! The famous sport brand! Every time, Nike TV ads could give us a supprise!
A. My god! lady, you can not ignore me. I really need to see somthing in commercial channel to get some important information. Em, let us talk about the channel choice, ok?
B. Ok. Please wait just one minute. It will end~
A. Yeah, I have to wait. What else I can do? The remote control is in your hand!
B. All right. It's finished. Dear, let us start.
A. Would you please also give me sevaral minutes to watch my channel? Especially the ads time?
B. Why not? No problem.
A. How about Nike TV ads? I'm afraid, next time, I still can not watch it.
B. I'm sorry, dear. I promise, next time, will not.
A. I hope so.
B. Ok, here you are. Remote control. Enjoy your TV time.
A. Thanks a lot! Nice lady.Em, maybe next year we plan to buy another new TV, in that case, both us can find what we like.
B. Good idea!
A. Good idea!
热心网友 回答时间:2023-10-16 21:54


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