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提问网友 发布时间:2022-06-08 20:15
热心网友 回答时间:2022-06-08 21:44
An Unforgettable Day  
Late one afternoon, I was on my way home from school. I walked slowly along the street with my head drooped. The scenes on both sides of the street were beautiful, but I had no interest in them at all. I walked and walked, thinking of what had happened that day.Just a few minutes before the second class began that afternoon, I was asked to go to the teacher's office. I heard my teacher talking to my mother with anger.How could you dare to go to see a film this morning without permission? Mother said at the top of her voice, slapping me in the face heavily. I look at Mother, mbfounded…I walked more slowly, for I had seen my house ahead, where Mother was always standing at the door, smiling at me, at this time every day. But now, she wasn't there. My heard was beating faster. I even didn't dare to open the door for fear that Mother should beat again.Not knowing what to do, I sat on the ground near the door, blaming myself for what I had done. I was lost in deep agony.Suddenly a soft hand patted me on the head. I looked up, seeing Mother standing beside me. I couldn't help crying, Mum! tears rolling down my cheeks.
热心网友 回答时间:2022-06-08 23:02
Dear editor,
I learned from your newspaper that you want an article about smoking
before the World No Tobacco Day(May 31). Now I'd like to give one.
China's Ministry of Health gave a report about smoking in China on
May 30, 2012. It was reported that about 300 million Chinese smoked.
More than 52.9 percent were men and about 47.1 percent were women-
smokers. 740 million Chinese were suffering from second-hand smoke.
The death toll caused by smoking reached 1 million every year. And it
would rise to 3 million after 2050. The fact is horrible. So, in order
to keep us Chinese healthy, we should forbid smoking in public
especially at school.
热心网友 回答时间:2022-06-09 00:37
热心网友 回答时间:2022-06-09 02:28


02年金牛女98年巨蟹男配么。 98年的虎跟02年1月份蛇相配吗? 中学生英语作文,关于电脑的!60个字左右! 98年2月男和02年9月女能结婚吗? 00年2月属龙女和98年12月属虎男相配吗? 平板电脑可以直接搭线给电池充电吗 反映二战残酷性的身边小故事 古代残酷战争事迹 2002年二月五号出生的女孩和1998年九月26出生的男孩可以在一起吗? 要给家里电热水器安装增压泵怎么安装有没有图提供参考 怎么在网上查招商银行信用卡卡号? 在阳江的朋友我想下阳江玩请问哪里好玩?? 阳江晚上有哪里比较好玩的? 三十六计第五套——并战计 求助为域名取个好名字 围魏救赵是36计中的第几计 word两个字中间有很多空格,但是删除空格却把前面的字给删除了,这个空格是怎么回事? 大丽花怎么掐头? 求大一英语期末口语考试的对话!总共4个话题!求编好的好的对话 求英语口语考试的对话啊,哪位高手英语水平高帮帮我吧,有三个话题,每个对话能说五分钟左右就行…… 1998的老虎和2002年的马和八字 98年一月2跟02年一月25的在一起怎么样 02年属蛇2月女,配98年属牛1月男 写一篇介绍电脑的英语作文 请问,我的孩子在德国只留学一年,我可以办探亲签证吗? 留学德国,邀请父母来德探亲签证的问题 我是个学生我姐姐在德国留学去德国探亲签证怎么签 用的诺基亚N8不小心把储存卡放在电话卡槽里面了……怎么取出来啊……怎么办啊…… 电信的手机卡卡在诺基亚N8卡在里面了怎么办 诺基亚N8不识别手机卡了 诺基亚n8手机卡怎么塞不进去呀 别无选择的选择是什么样的选择··? 我买了部诺基亚N8,卡插进去不知道怎么取出来。而且搜不到蓝牙耳机,求高手帮忙,谢谢! 真正的选择是别无选择翻译 诺基亚n8 sim卡怎么取出来 我 买了诺基亚n8 sim卡插进去无效 怎么办 怎么了 有什么注意点· 男方九八年公历10月24号与女方02年公历4月19号我想问一下能不能在一起直到结婚男方性格怎么样? 怎么样躺着也可以健身运动? 经常躺着对腰不好吗?怎样锻炼腰部? 公积金贷款一直停留在资格登记