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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-16 22:17
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-18 18:47
1. 制品显见面不允许有因尚未除净的泥屑及釉渣残留于坯上所造成的缺陷,非显见面缺陷不超过1.0mm2。
The visible surface of the product is not allowed to have any defect due to scraps of mud and glaze dregs left on the ceramic body; defects on non-visible surface shall not exceed 1.0 mm².

2. 制品边缘或局部不允许有因火焰中飞灰所造成的黄褐色粗糙面。
There should be no rough surface of yellowish brown at the edge or
specific portion of the product caused by the flying ashes in the flame.

3. 制品显见面不允许出现因釉层过薄而形成的局部釉面不光亮的现象
The visible surface of the product is not allowed to have any portion of unlustrous glaze caused by too thin cover coat of glaze.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-18 18:50
1. because the product obvious surface does not allow to have not yet remains the flaw which except the putty filings and the glaze dregs only creates on the semifinished product, the non-obvious surface flaw does not surpass 1.0mm2. 2. , because the product edge or does not allow to have the tan rough surface which partially in the flame the flying ash creates.
3. The product obvious surface does not allow to appear because of the glaze level the partial glazed surface not luminous phenomenon which thin forms
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-18 18:45

1.Because the product obvious surface does not allow to have not yet remains the flaw except the only putty filings and the glaze dregs which creates on the semifinished product, the non-obvious surface flaw does not surpass 1.0mm2.

2.Because the product edge or does not allow to have in partially the flame to fly the tan rough surface which the ash creates.

3.The product obvious surface does not allow to appear because of the glaze level the partial glazed surface not luminous phenomenon which thin forms
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-18 18:47
1. Significant products have not been allowed to meet a net addition of mud and debris in the residual slag blank glaze caused by the defects, non-significant deficiencies to meet not more than 1.0 mm2.

2. Edge products or partial allowed fly ash as a result of the flames caused by the rough surface of tawny.

3. Products was not met due to the thin layer of enamel formation of a local phenomenon glazed not bright


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