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...多数人擅长英语(BE GOOD AT)4.我有一些重要的事情

提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-03 17:28
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-08 00:40
Show me your pictures.
For most children
Most of us are good at English.
I have something important to tell you.
I often see the cat climb trees.
Get over georgraphy for exams
How is the weather in London?
Be angry with/Be mad at
I don't have money to take a taxi
go back home to play
a lost pen
We had fun in flying kites
Where are you going to spend your holiday?
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-08 00:44
1 show me your photo
2 for most children
3 most of us are good ai English
4 I have something important to tell you
5 I often see that cat climb the tree
6 study for geography test
7 how is the weather in London?
8 feel angry
9 i don not have money to take a taxi
10 go back home to play
11 a lost pen
12 we have fun flying kites
13 where will you go on vacation

我是初三的 应该还算贴切吧~
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-08 00:41
1.Hand on your picture to have a look 2.most of us all be goodat English 3.we have something important to tell you 4.usually i seee that cat to climb on the tree 7.what's the weather of london 8.i fell angry 9.i have no money to take a taxi 10.come back to play 11.one lost pen 12.we feel very happy to fly the kite 13.where are you go on your holiday
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-08 00:45
1。please show me your photoes.
2. for most children .
3.majority of us are good at english.
4.i have something important to tell you.
5.i always see the cat climbing trees.
6.i prepare for the geograhy exam
7.how's the weather in London?
8.feel angry
9.i have no money to call a taxi
10.back home and play
11.a lost pen
12.we are happy when we fly the kate
13.where will you go on vacation
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-08 00:44
1.Give me your photo
2.As for most kids
3.Most of us are good at English.
4.I have something important to tell you.
5.I often see the cat climb the tree.
6.prepare for a geography test
7.How is the weather in London?
8.feel angry
9.I don't have money to take a taxi
10.play back home
11.a missing pen
12.We had a good time flying kite.
13.Where do you go on holiday?
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-08 00:42
1.Show your photos to me.
2.For most of children
3.Most of us are good at English.
4.I have something important to tell you.
5.I often see the cat climb the tree.
6.study for the geography
7.How is the weather in London?
8.feel angry
9.I have no money to take a taxi
10.go back home to play
11.a lost pen
12.We have fun playing kites.
13.Where do you want to go for a vacation?


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